Maximising Independence in Special Education

Hey there, teacher friends! I can confidently know what I’m doing each and every day in my classroom. I am prepared and ready to tackle anything with a skip in my step.  How you may ask? Through maximising over time my own independence. You see I used to look at everyone else in my teaching […]

Tailoring Morning Routine for Sped Ed Students

Hey there, teacher friends Mornings can be a challenging time for students with special needs, who may need extra time and support to get ready for their day. A well-structured morning routine can help students start their day off on the right foot, setting them up for success in the classroom. With a tailored classroom […]

Differentiation ideas for Special Education Classrooms

Hey there, teacher friends!  Question?  Have you ever tried to fit a square peg into a round hole? It doesn’t work, does it? The same goes for teaching – we can’t expect every student to fit into the same mould. That’s why differentiating instruction is crucial, especially for our students with special needs. As a […]

5 prompts for your Class

Hey there, teacher friends! I recently went to an Autism Workshop Day and I was really intrigued. I found myself opposed to this new and trending statement in the autism world…. “Fade your prompts”…. Some people really believe that fading your prompts will help our students become more independent and by eliminating support will develop […]

5 Essential Life Skills

Hey there, teacher friends! As teachers, we are often guided into what we should be teaching based upon our students’ diverse needs. However, we also need to address the hidden life skills curriculum. While academic skills are certainly important, it is also essential for special educators to focus on teaching life skills that will help […]

Students and summer engagement!

Hey there, teacher friends!  Keeping Students Engaged Over the Summer, It’s definitely a hard topic!  As the school year comes to a close and summer break approaches, teachers may worry about their students losing the momentum they have built up during the academic year.  However, with the right approach, teachers can help ensure that their […]

Special education Back to School Prep!

Hey there, teacher friends!  You are relaxed, sipping on a cold beverage and enjoying your well-earned holiday break ☀️. Then suddenly you glance at the calendar? It’s BACK TO SCHOOL. How on earth did these holidays go by so quickly? That chilled holiday vibe seems to become a distant memory… Then your inner teacher’s voice […]

Student Independence

Hey there, teacher friends!  In this post let’s talk all about student independence. Why is it soooooooo important? Promoting student independence is a crucial component of any special education classroom. For every student, developing independence is not only important for daily living skills, but also for academic success and their long-term quality of life. By […]

Organise using Task Boxes

Hey there, teacher friends!  Have you heard of task boxes? I’m assuming you have seen them somewhere…These nifty little tools are a fantastic way to help you in your Special Education classroom!  I mean seriously, who knew that these simple tiny colourful boxes can cause a huge wave of awesomeness for any teacher. They come […]

Directed Drawing is amazing!

Hey there, teacher friends! Let’s chat about some awesome drawing activities! Have you heard of directed drawing? It’s a super fun and engaging activity that’s been gaining popularity among educators and parents in recent years, and for good reason! It’s amazing for learners of all ages and abilities! In this blog post, we’re going to […]



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